


Years have passed since I felt this burn, I'm back:)

Somewhere, AZ
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About Me

Hello there,
I've changed this "about me" section about a thousand times. My writing speaks about me better than anything. I have trouble letting go, letting people in or even see in for that matter. Yes, I've had demons in my life and still do. I tend to write dark. I'm trying very hard to branch my writing to more "happier" tunes.

Read requests are back on, but please do NOT spam me with them.

I enjoy reviews and comments! I will return the favor:)

I work a lot so if i don't read your piece right away or return the favor immediately please understand.

26 female, but Im often told I have an old soul.

Anything else just inbox me.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

i just read that comment by whoever wrote the below line. honestly, it seems the best poetry is the kind that comes from darkness, powerful emotions. happiness is fleeting, but depression is forever.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Looking over your profile, and I came to realize that we both have something in common, dark writing. I just don't see how people can't write things so happy and bubbly. I mean I try to, and they turn out worth crap. I look forward to reading more of your work. :)