Sarah : Writing

Summer Rain.

Summer Rain.

A Poem by Sarah

i wrote this poem because there is nothing more that relaxes me than a simple summer thunderstorm. so i wrote this to describe how it feels to be caug..
a girl named suicide.

a girl named suicide.

A Poem by Sarah

This is the story about a girl named Suicide,She has no friend, has no guide.She fills her mind with nothing but fears,all she knows is scars and tear..
if only you knew.

if only you knew.

A Poem by Sarah

this is actually a new one i wrote that its completely about me.


A Poem by Sarah

he's leaving...
being saved.

being saved.

A Poem by Sarah

I'm growing weaker. The light is fading and darkness is taking me over. I can'tstop it. Tears fall, metal slices my veins,and lies are told. Please do..
It's over.

It's over.

A Poem by Sarah

Uhhh Yeah. i dont know.
You Cut. I Cry.

You Cut. I Cry.

A Poem by Sarah

i wrote most of these during school when im bored in class. so yeah. lol
Torture is the Solution.

Torture is the Solution.

A Poem by Sarah

This one is very gruesome and its hard to read. so Beware.


A Poem by Sarah

title says it all, Folks.


A Poem by Sarah

this one isn't exactly meant for reading. its just what went on in my mind.