Complements exchanced for simply politeness,
To be respectful, to be kind, perhaps to total strangers.
Complements exchanged in order to decieve,
My friend with the pretty black hair,
Who's soul is supposedly so pure,
You feed the homeless, and care for the poor,
Could God want nothing more?
Out of courtesy, out of politeness
I present you with the gift of eye contact
As I listen hollw eared
To your breathtaking, colorful, mess.
Do not lie
Do not glare
Do not not pretend to be insulted
When I give you
My pitiful eyes
Because admit it
Unmask your weak, strong facade
Silence is not silence
Not a world without sound
Without waves cruising through the thick air
Not mouth taped shut
Nor vocal chord broken
I close the doors,
And I cry cry
I fall to the floor,
And I cry cry
My throat burns,
And I cry cry
I'm all alone--
When I cry.
And this isn'..
Sometimes, rain may not be so bad.
This is for the Friends Forever contest
At times, I look at noise as a nuisance...
In a world, very different from this one...ther lives the soldier