Harkness : Writing

Cut short by the sound of a gun

Cut short by the sound of a gun

A Poem by Harkness

I have no personal experience of suicide, but here is my view, ideas about the act.
Try Telling Them

Try Telling Them

A Poem by Harkness

Try telling a man with no family and no home that there is hope Try telling a woman with no future, no life that there is hope Try t..
The Split

The Split

A Poem by Harkness

The banging The Crashing The Screaming The Wailing The sound of plates hitting the newly decorated kitchen walls, An over-turne..
Take It

Take It

A Poem by Harkness

I see her The one The only I watch her Her hair flows Her smile shines She stands surrounded But alone She is my one My only ..
Life, Love

Life, Love

A Poem by Harkness

Life What is Life? But a single spark in a darkened sky The words of so many become the ink for so few The lives of many wasted T..

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