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About Me

My computer is broken, so I will not be able to get on very often for a while. AH! I hate this, but oh well :) Hehe. As long as I have it before the next school year starts, I'm good.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Actually, I live in the US. I'm going to be an international student at a university in England near London. (University of Reading.) I've been in London a few times. As far as cities go, I like it. I'm not much of a city person but it really is quite nice.

I'm definitely excited for harder work!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

My high school was small. My junior high was not. Thankfully I'm incredibly adaptable, and I'm actually looking for a change of pace with size. I would like something much larger. As for the dorms, those don't have to be. Grin. I'm prepared for a very small amount of space. Nope, no roommate. Guess England isn't big on roommates? It's a relief, though. I get my own little cell to myself and just have to share the common area. Also excited for harder work. High school was a pinch easy.

Hope you get your computer back soon too!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Actually, my uni is going to be very different. Large and I'll be in a dorm and harder. I'm excited, though. Hope all the computer stuff goes well!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I'm glad you like your school. Smile. I'm hoping I'll have the same love for my university that I have for my high school.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Funny you should mention being a few years behind... Until I updated at the end of senior year, I WAS a few years behind! Giggle. It was always silly to look at.

You used the term "green industry." For that you have my undying love, grin. Yes, it was wonderful going through an agricultural high school. The entire environment is unique and wonderful. I love the plant ID and other strange knowledge I picked up.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks! I've actually just graduated last week, but I'm always so slow with updating profiles. Chuckle.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thank you for the friend add! I'm very excited. =).

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Posted 16 Years Ago

You'll just have to wait and find out....