M. L. F.

M. L. F.


Photography work superseded writing for a while..Writing again, with sparse time ;)

American writer in the Netherlands....
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About Me

"True suspense, true... terror, doesn't jump in your face with a hockey mask. No, no...It starts very, very slowly, creeping up your spine and into the space where your hair trickles onto your neck."

LIFE: and all things fantastic... How it shifts and changes, how it melts from terrible to terrific sometimes, how those lessons burn but forge the steel soul that sets forth with courage and heart, and hope!! ;) I am flourishing these days! Enjoying the flight of fancy, that is an understatement...

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.”

~Albert Einstein; Mein Weltbild (1931)

Writing is the outpouring of inner turmoil, the outlet of joy and pain. If we let down our guard, and let ourselves feel, the story will unfurl with great depth.... A wise, wise friend here taught me.. that every day we write is a day we get better at it. I know for a fact he is right... Let us all stick together and help each other learn, for the rest of our lives. "When you're green you grow, when your ripe you rot"..... We are none of us ever perfect...

All writers need music.. I'm obsessed with it, Please join me in my little obsession ;)... Volume turned up all the way on this one as we sink into the story...

"All my soul within me burning".....
Edgar Allen Poe

"A short story must have a single mood and every sentence must build towards it".....
Edgar Allen Poe

"Fiction done well lets you suffer each sensation, even though you aren't there"... M. L. Franchello

"Original writing is nothing but a lump of coal, which through the great pressure of rewrite produces diamonds"...

Adjectives are like salts, too many and you will drown your readers in a sea of terminology. Too little and they will feel almost nothing for your characters, plot, or world. Just enough, and they will season your stories and set fire to your readers souls...

I aspire to the greatest of fiction greats... King, Tolkien, Rowling, Koontz, Rice, and Edgar Allan Poe..

I'm just a fiction writer overflowing with the need... to draw my readers deep inside, to show them my dark dreams....

Thank you for your time..
American writer in the Netherlands



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Posted 7 Years Ago

Merry Christmas and best wishes for the festive season, Misty!

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Posted 8 Years Ago

I shall not jump in the damn waters, it's much too cold!

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Keep the Netherlands burning in the new year. xo

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Posted 8 Years Ago

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Posted 8 Years Ago

That magical, mystical moment when the muse comes and sits on your shoulder, and the fictional constipation is suddenly over... Yes, the right words are flowing like rushing waters in the middle of summer... YASSS... King was right about the mystical beast, le muse... ;)

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Off topic, but most hilarious Star Wars Lego Vid ever: