About Me
Hi. Some of my hobbies include playing the piano and practicing Martial Arts, both of which I've done for 11 years thus far. Everything else you need to know about me is below:)

Favorite Movies: I love TARZAN. I love the bond Tarzan and Jane have with each other. Tarzan is a wonderful character. Edgar Rice Boroughs is a genius. Beauty & The Beast is very romantic. I love the message of beauty only being skin deep. Tangled. Aladdin. Toy Story I II III make me feel like a little kid again:) The Lion King. Titanic - I felt as if I was really on the ill-fated ship. AVATAR - as a nature lover who has a deep love and appreciation for Planet Earth, I adored this movie. The special effects weren't bad either;) The Last Samurai. Je adore Japanese culture. The narration was captivating as well as the battle scenes.

Favorite Shows: The Legend of Korra is an amazing show with a lot of heart, epic bending, great writing, and genius animation. The Legend of Tarzan - It should be obvious why I love this show:) South Park is an extremely funny cartoon. Trey and Matt Stone are awesome. Doug is a great 90's nick show. Very relatable. Hey Arnold! is my favorite 90's Nick Show. Helga is probably my favorite character after Arnold of course. Rugrats. As Told By Ginger. Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Avatar the Last Airbender.

Inspirations: Michael Jordan is very inspiring to me. I admire his work ethic, his desire to be the best that he can be. I, too, want to be the best that I can be at what I love to do. Edgar Rice Boroughs. Disney Version. If I could create a story that has had as much impact on me emotionally as Tarzan on somebody else, it would all be worth it. James Cameron. His ability to think outside of the box and taken on grandiose ideas is astounding. Toy Story Franchise. I love their wit and humor coupled with their moving stories. My writing style leans towards humor but I also feel that I am very witty, so I would love to accomplish what they have in that regard. Phenomenal storytelling.