Contrary to what those who choose to persecute or lie about us wish to believe, Wicca is a very peaceful, harmonious and balanced way of life which p..
For those who look down upon Wiccans, let me first tell you the truth about Wiccan beliefs. If you do not have an open mind for this, then please do n..
This is a recent poem I've written, hope it's good!
This book is basicly my notes about life, advice about situations, and so forth. (:
A single fake smile can hide a broken heart, sorrow, missery, pain, etc.. A single fake smile can hide a million tears shed and scars made.We allh..
You walk out into the world everyday and see people you fool daily with your fake smiles and laughs. Yeah, that's right. I see in your eyes past t..
I've been teased at school because of what I wore and how I looked, and still do... Now, I laugh my a*s off at people and say smart things like "That'..
This is a song I wrote for my boyfriend (:
I wrote this poem when I had broken up with a past boyfriend about half or so a year a go. I'm over it, but I thought it'd be still good enough to pos..
Sarafina starts to have strange dreams. So, she sets out on a journey to uncover what her dream means, and when she does she uncovers a secret about h..