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Thief Thief

A Book by Mira

Scraps Scraps

A Book by Mira

Azargul Azargul

A Book by Mira

About Me

Hey Everyone!
I'm...well... Mira is my pseudonym since I don't want anyone to know who I really am. It tends to be that people freak out when they meet an author they like. I know I would have a heart attack if I met J.R.R Tolkein (And only partially because he's dead). So I'm hoping that -if I get fans- this might protect me from those issues.

I mostly write fantasy, but I also do poetry and children's books. I am very serious about writing, since I plan for that to be my only career. I have a love/hate relationship with commas, semi-colens are laughing at me, and I hate colens. That is what editors are for I suppose.

So I suppose you want to know about my books right? Well I have several, and only one is fully written. I'll put them in order of importance. Puiint a double asterisk (**) in front means that is it a series.

**Wolves of the Moon: Consisting of Shadow Smoke's Revenge Part One, Ghost's End, Shadow Smoke's Revenge Part Two, and another that is unnamed.WotM follows Juliana Taproclae, her husband Alexander, and their son Peter who are all werewolves.

SSR p1 is the very beginning. Juliana Castris is alone almost all the time. Her parents are never home, she doesn't fit in well with others because of her abrasive nature, and she flat out cannot stand people. Her parents practice a strange religion, worshiping the Mother Wolf. Juliana humors them, but she doesn't believe any of it. On her sixteenth birthday -which is on a full moon- that changes and so does she. That is when Juliana discovered that she was a werewolf.
Her parents are the Alpha Male and Alpha Female of the Zabat pack of the Wolves of the Moon. They are the 'good' werewolves who still worship the Mother Wolf, who created them. They are also at war with the 'evil' werewolves who don't.
Juliana's Wolf Spirit is Ghost, the legendary tracker and assassin. Together, they are unstoppable. Kinda. Juliana has a bit of a crush on the handsome Alexander Taproclae, a very intelligent and smart member of the Zabat pack. He became a werewolf at age nine. His Wolf Spirit, Shadow Smoke, and Ghost have been mates for over three hundred years. Yeah, they're only kinda unstoppable with those two around.
Vampires -the Ancient Ones- are drawn by the new strength of their enemies. A treaty exists between them, and they are ready to make it stronger. One vampire begins to manipulate Juliana. She falls in love with him, and he convinces her to leave with him.
Alexander is furious. He loves Juliana, and he knows that the vampire is bad news. He goes off to find her and drag her home, only to discover that the vampire is working for the Zabat Pack's enemies. The vampire tricked Juliana in order to kill Ghost. Now it is a race to save the woman he loves and the fate of the Wolves of the Moon.

Ghost's End: Set a very long time after SSR p1 (werewolves are immortal and don't age) This has a rather hazy plot. Juliana and Alexander got mated -marriage means nothing to werewolves- got married -for the human show- and had a son. Peter is now five years old and he hates that his mother is never home. He just became a werewolf, and it seems as though Grey Fang is his only companion.
Juliana has to kill people 99% of the year. That's why she's never home. The stress of that is too much for Alexander, and they are no longer mates. It isn't easy, not when they love eachother. Ghost and Shadow Smoke aren't helping matters.
That about all I really have in ways of a plot.

Shadow Smoke's Revenge Part Two: I haven't even finished writing the first two yet! You can't expect me to have this done!

**Thief Save Us: Set in three books -Thief, Queen, and Warlord- Thief Save Us follows Kitty, the Queen of Thieves in Emeraldis. Of course, no one knows Kitty is the Queen. They just think she works for Kalasin, since no one has the slightest clue who Kalasin really is.
But no, Kitty is Kalasin. She is the Queen of Thieves. She is trying to get Emeraldis' real Queen, Niforia, off the throne. Niforia is scared of everything and as a result larger countries are attacking Emeraldis. In the first book, Kitty is trying to get rid of Niforia. In the second she is trying to be a good Queen and save Emeraldis. In the third she is trying to stay out of trouble. She fails at that and Emeraldis goes to war with the largest country in the world. Oops.

Azargul: When Faita goes to war against Gerain, no one is left alone. A Grand Conscription is sent throughout the land, calling the men off to fight and the woman to takt the jobs the men left behind.
In Adder, the most peaceful town in Fatia, there is no exception. Valentina Ameretat-Anahita is one of the few people to have ever left the town. Good news for everyone: She has been where the women are being sent.
Arimes is the best school in the world. Valentina just got back from there ten months ago and she learned amazing things.
Valentina is an Elemental. She has magical control over the elements, something very rare. When she was at Arimes last time, she fought against Gerain and earned herself a Second Name, a huge honor in Fatia.
Outside of her home village, Valentina must live up to the name she doesn't feel she earned. Azargul. Fire Rose. She killed fifteen men to get that name, and mostly it is a reminder of something she wishes she could forget.
When she arrives at Arimes -as Azargul, the amazing Fire Elemental- she learns that she is to learn a bit more Elemental Magic, and then she'll be sent out onto the field as a spy.
Oh, and her teacher? Azargul has been often praised on being able to keep her mind on the task at hand. Yeah, she's good. But not that good.
Nimashem is her perfect idea of a man. And he is her private tutor. As in she is going to be alone with him for a very long time. Oh, her reputation was going to go fast.
Somehow everything goes according to plan -Nima's plan. Azargul's plan involved getting married- for a long time. Nima and Azar have command over a regiment of soldiers and Arimes students as a cover. They also gather valuable information. Then disaster strikes Arimes. Several students are kidnapped -Azar's cousin included.
Will she risk everything -Nima's fast growing affection, her honor, and her Second Name- for her filial duty?


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Come! if you want too. :)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Ok...I was sitting here down in El Paso, Tx... I got to thinking...(That can be dangerous at times!) Well... I got to thinking and my imagination got spinning...and I came up with something.... It's called "Mira's Dreamscape"
I posted it.... let me know what you think? :)