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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I am WindStormy......

I am he who walks in the shadows
of night; who in the dark recesses
of your mind, lurks beyond the
fathomlessness of time, to touch
your soul with my own desire.

It is I that comes to you in your
darkest dreams beckoning to you with
all that I long for of you.

My desire.....
The very imbodiment of all that
encompasses yearning, longing,
delectation in thought and
the sensations of the body and
mind. I long to take you there.
I yearn to connect with the very
cords of your soul and show you
a side of you that you had never
before knew existed.

I laugh as I watch you squirm with
delight, your lecherous thoughts
leading the way. You cringe and
become angry, your voice rises
in the night at no one. Yet
before you there is the page
that I have drawn you into.
Will you remain my love?
Will you?


Let us discover this together......

For I think, you shall.....

Oh, and btw, I generally write gay male erotica. However, I do write heteroerotica and poetry....


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Posted 17 Years Ago

hey u, feelin any better?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey Windstormy,
Thanks for accepting the friend request. Feel free to drop by my page anytime; I'll be dropping by yours as soon as I'm done with finals,


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Posted 17 Years Ago

sectcha a message ;P

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I had to work on my mother's day!! Not fair!! LOL.
Anywho, I posted my writer's block ridden story, maybe someone around here can help me.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Stormy, I am just stopping by to see how you are doing. Hope all is well with you!


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Good evening. I am stopping by to visit each of you individually and to thank you for being a member of my group, Erotic Warriors. I have changed some things in the group to make it easier for me to read work from each of you.

Literature must now be added by you to the group (in the group under the Literature tab you will have a drop-down allowing you to add your work), and this will allow you to decide which works you want submitted to this group and allow readers in the group to read your stuff as you submit it.

I have been very busy recently and have not been as active here as I should, but I am back and look forward to hearing from all of you in the forums and in the contests and literature submissions.

Thanks for your time.

Erotic Goddess

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Posted 17 Years Ago

haha, well I'm really glad that you liked it lol. I didn't know anyone would feel that way about it because their contact was so short-lived. It was really fun to write tho. =-D

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey, how have you been? Didn't see you for ages!
Thank you for reviewing "My destiny is mine"...somehow, I 've seen the EVOCA in English didn't work. I even didn't understand what they mean. Instead my file there is a message by EVOCA.

good to see you again!
ciao, Lara Gandr�

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thanks for the kind review. Really appreciate it. =-D

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Posted 18 Years Ago