`We laid on the beach
gazing at the stars
You, the ones in the
evening sky
Me, the ones
in your eyes...
I ..
A limerick collection
Oh, the
bliss of heaven’s reaching,
formed upon
this fertile ground
desires touch us,
felt of love
we now have f..
breathe a wisp, enchantment, as on satin sheets we lie,
comfort of your silken skin my dream
so soft and tender as the he..
palette of picturesque
love stipples weary
seascapes in turquoise
woven ribbons
and coral reef whispers while a
euphoric su..
-I followed the road
map I found
inside of my broken
and drove to the edge
of yesterday
Got out of my car and
over t..
As I breathe,
I feel the ocean
Here I stand,
a moonbeam in my
Touch my heart,
and know this
endless feeling
No, I haven't been drinking and no LSD was consumed prior to writing this poem
Just another love poem
~She gathered roses,one at a time,choosing carefully,for you see, they were her healingA light breeze tickled her hairas a brief smile curved upon her..