


Hi, I write poetry

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About Me

Hi, I am willweb. Maybe you remember me and maybe you don't. I have been writing here on and off for years. I pop in and write and read and comment and make friends and learn new things.
I enjoy making people smile. Most (not all but most) of my poetry is lighthearted and fun or love related. You will find a dark one every now and then and often find some gibberish that makes no sense at all. I just hope you enjoy what you find. I am not a serious poet and don't follow the rules usually. I like writing rhyming poetry and at times free verse, it depends on my mood. I also do not use a lot of punctuation but hope that you will find pretty much everything I write has a melody.
So, once again, I am willweb...it is very nice to meet you

"We are only who we hope to be
and all I hope to be is me" - willweb


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Posted 1 Month Ago

Hi Will! Welcome back!!

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Posted 1 Year Ago

Hi, just wanted to let you know how much I loved your little poem, "Anything but bread."
Fun rhyme scheme.

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Posted 1 Year Ago

Hey, Will :)
I just wanted to check in with you, and see how you were doing.
So, how are you doing?
Are you keeping your head up?

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Posted 1 Year Ago

Hey, Will. How are you today?

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Posted 1 Year Ago

All my links to this site are saying I don't have "permission" to access them...weird. I can't access my own stats, writing, etc. Seriously wondering what's going on with WC.

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Posted 1 Year Ago

Hey, thank you so much for your reviews, and your kindness. I really appreciate it. :)

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Posted 1 Year Ago

Hi, I will send you some, later.

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Posted 2 Years Ago

Happy Valentine's Day, Will! You are such a sweetheart!!

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Posted 2 Years Ago

...prayers for Jacob!

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Thank you for being a friend