The first rains came,A puddle shimmered,casting new ripplesacross the rainbowed surface.It washed the small feetof both mouse & sparrow,the larger..
(General notes on the sensitive operation of sewage tankers)One measure of culture and civilisation is the proximity of a species to its excrement. Ta..
Sin is, or sin isn't, she thinks,icy with detachmentas she squeezes the trigger.Payback for all the damaged years.The afternoon is bright,the room is ..
In rain I walk and feed.My one foot sliding, gliding.I move slowly, ghostlike.Floating edges grazing the groundlike the skirts of a settling hovercraf..
Here they come again through the strobe shadow rain,hunched between Popeye houses,the Russian closet poets wearing thin disguises,playing with verbal ..
An exercise in honour to a different time
The neon sign welcomes
my Farang cash bag skin.
The king's flag is neatly folded
and the no-name dog in the corner
yawns in indifference as the ai..
Limp she lies against the ploughed soil
A still life portrait in pain and pellet,
with flicked and dimpled fur,
spread and wind raped.
A dreamer's..
She is very young, no more than four, maybe five. Her face a delicate pale oval surrounded by wild curly hair, somewhere between blonde and brown, the..
7pm, the day cools, the eveninghots up as shadows play hopscotchon scorched asphalt.No peeling rubber, just bumper tobumper madness and sputtering eng..