Wild Thunder : Writing

I Have A Secret In My Blood

I Have A Secret In My Blood

A Poem by Wild Thunder

This is a warning to everyone who feels safe from what is shadow and should not be touched.
A Mages Mind

A Mages Mind

A Poem by Wild Thunder

Its a slight poem kind of differnt but if you read closely it makes more sense.


A Poem by Wild Thunder

Emo poem. Not really but thats what it can be labeled as. I would say more of an inner christian fighting against inner demons poem though.
Judgement Day

Judgement Day

A Poem by Wild Thunder

Through all the gunfire, pain, and shock Live life with honor and faith Under God’s watchful sight Change climatic ends to new beginnings So..
Wild Thunder's Poem

Wild Thunder\'s Poem

A Poem by Wild Thunder

This a poem that will be included with the Raven Prince once I publish it.


A Poem by Wild Thunder

A poem about the most grim subject with a twist. Is death really so bad?
The Sword Held By Three

The Sword Held By Three

A Story by Wild Thunder

This is a short story I wrote while I was visiting my girlfriend's fathers. This story has no moral to it. Its just a good legend I thought up.
In The Night

In The Night

A Poem by Wild Thunder

A dark poem of a man going crazy from reading too many texts.
Plug It In

Plug It In

A Poem by Wild Thunder

This is a poem about human obsession with body modification.


A Story by Wild Thunder

A Christian fiction novel that really brings the darkness out of the Christian Goth concept.

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