there is no more from me on this account :( sorry : Writing

Mirror Reflection

Mirror Reflection

A Poem by there is no more from me ..

Just Something i came up with


A Poem by there is no more from me ..

The Castel The Castel stands their You don’t see anyone enter or leave It’s always quite It looks like no one has live their for ag..
Masquerade Ball Book 1

Masquerade Ball Book 1

A Chapter by there is no more from me ..

book 1 of 4
Masquerade Ball Book 2

Masquerade Ball Book 2

A Chapter by there is no more from me ..

also published on
Masquerade Ball

Masquerade Ball

A Book by there is no more from me ..

I also published this on my other website
Play & Party

Play & Party

A Poem by there is no more from me ..

Play & Party That bright yellow sun That warms up the day That makes it sunny and It makes the birds sin It makes the children play They p..
Dreams :)

Dreams :)

A Poem by there is no more from me ..

Dream Poem


A Poem by there is no more from me ..

Distractions Distractions are every where I can not concentrate Distractions are every where I look Distractions of boys, Friends Distractions o..
Rain drops

Rain drops

A Poem by there is no more from me ..

Rain Drops are Falling all I hear is drop drop drop but the rain has stoped