He is a slumbering ox,fit to pull wagons, cars, motorboats,shuffling aimlessly in the spring blossoms.
standing on the daisbefore the dulled assemblageof auburn fish, bellies distended thin gills pressed and lifted from the steam-ed cementas twilight en..
my nimbus under your sentimenti'm cold against that heat.your red electronsflying through me, finding no sustenance.-your weight against patterned fab..
the apple people of my dreamsso sweet,bruised under my fingers
Along riverbanksare where water ratsundress and lay their heads down for sleep,and here he walks,the moon undulating around surfacing animalsUnderlyin..
nothing lasts:ink in the pen, cells, namesswims through the airesleeps with the earthwormsnightcrawlerscrieswastes awaynothing lasts:the fishes in the..
the grey onethe grey manwomanwith a cat in its arms,with nails dug in its side.the tired onethe fearful eyesof a man with no whereof a woman with no o..
mythology inthis fickle heart-this is raspberry candlessweet liquid fire all overlike purpled amber in glass orificesthis is newdityrolling skin with ..