Whimsy Gonser : Writing

Purgatory's Penance

Purgatory's Penance

A Poem by Whimsy Gonser

Do you hear the songbird mourning? Tribute to the bloodied sky Do you see the monarch falling Wilted sunset, blinded eyes Can you feel the cool ..
Your Chains To Keep

Your Chains To Keep

A Poem by Whimsy Gonser

Blank eyes stare Straight ahead Black as tar Your heart is dead Silent screams The rage is gone The shadows claimed His deed is done The e..
Bleached Rags

Bleached Rags

A Poem by Whimsy Gonser

Will their blood be washed away? The sinners prayer replayed on shuffle Will their cold deaths stain your hands? If you ask nicely will the voices ..
Have You Arrived?

Have You Arrived?

A Poem by Whimsy Gonser

Losing yourself in the years gone by Old faded pictures Follow the signs Walk your little heart in circles love Reach for the answers Walk down ..
Closing Static

Closing Static

A Poem by Whimsy Gonser

Sometimes you have to remind yourself to fight through.
Little Death

Little Death

A Poem by Whimsy Gonser

Split me open down the middle Watch me splinter Little death Feel the stutter of my heartbeat As I beg for one sweet breath Set my flesh aligh..
I Live

I Live

A Poem by Whimsy Gonser

Through the darkness of the night Through the silence of the day Through the coming of the rains that wash my sins away Through the deep red of t..
Little Lead Balloon

Little Lead Balloon

A Poem by Whimsy Gonser

Struggling to push on through limitations isn't easy. Can you still see when you're blind? Hear when you're deaf? Walk when paralyzed? Or will you let..
Silent Grace

Silent Grace

A Poem by Whimsy Gonser

A bit of dark writing therapy

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