Karabear : Writing

Pain vanishes

Pain vanishes

A Poem by Karabear

This describes how music calms and soothes the brain.
Before and after death

Before and after death

A Poem by Karabear

I sit here, holding your delicate handWishing, Hoping there is something else, that I can do to save you.In pain, You still manage to crack..


A Screenplay by Karabear

A look at how some people have twisted thoughts.
You & Me

You & Me

A Poem by Karabear

An outlook of what it is like to some people who drives themselves crazy


A Poem by Karabear

Is this my thoughts?Or me talking out loud?I can't seem to figure out the difference.First I open my mouth trying to mumble a word.Nothing comes out b..


A Poem by Karabear

This is about my Grandma with Alzheimer's. Love her dearly
A liar

A liar

A Poem by Karabear

Escaping the truth with relish,Feeling of sappers planting in my brain,While time ticks away,I ravage for the truth,But I bite my tongue