Shawn Drake

Shawn Drake


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Las Vegas, NV
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About Me

Not so very long ago
Back when this all began
There stood a most exceptional
Yet borderline young man
Alone and undirected
He longed to strike and shine
To bleed the ink from his veins
And his humble craft, refine.

Shawn Drake, dashing rogue, charming socialite, and guitar-wielding, penslinger your service. Twenty-three years of age, he has just left his little liberal arts college behind, degree in hand. Finding that jobs for English majors without a background in business are scarce indeed in a wounded economy, he currently does something that he can't talk about for the United States military.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi :)
Thanks for the ad
Send me read requests anytime and I'll do the same.
And have a wonderful week ahead. Michael

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Shawn, even though you already know this, I love you. And apparently was reading your reviews 10 minutes (or less) after you put them up . Ahh...the beauty of having nothing to do. Anyway, yes, the typo in Chapter 4 was a mistake (I effing hate Vista and its making me type in sentences that we finished 3 paragraphs ago--and Neil Gaiman has similar problems, so I do know I can blame it on Bill Gates and not myself. WHOO HOO!) I also forgot that the versions I have up here are not as current as the ones I keep reading, so I read comments and I'm like "but I fixed that," but I have to remember that these were the raw versions put up for the very kind of feedback that I love you so much for. I'd also have chapter 5 up, but I'm pissed off with the way Death came out (he turned out far more tame than I wanted--but writing relationships does that to me--I'd be a terrible romance writer), so it needs a little bit of tweaking first.

And just so you know, even though the King thinks the conversation in chapter 2 is useless THEN, it becomes rather important later...several times if I have to resort to the measures I think I'll need to in order to bring Ashley into the story in a cohesive way.

And this was just a really long winded way of saying thank you. LOL. The feedback helps a ton. I have an outline even, and I still find myself getting lost (and I'm still in the first 5th of the projected part one/three). So having someone keep me of track and checking me for consistency is REALLY helpful. You get a cookie. You just..y'know, have to wait until the end of August for it.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

YAY, new writing! *Kaitlyn is happy*

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Posted 16 Years Ago


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Posted 17 Years Ago

*so that

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I just realized that I'm a moron, as I didn't use "I'm" in my last comment, just "I," sot hat I sound like an adolescent that garners enjoyment out of butchering the English language. I'm sorry for this atrociously(sp?) tacky mistake. But at least I noticed, right?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

0_0 I remember you telling me that you added Raker as a book, but did you tell me there was new content? Eff Nabokov, I restarting this.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I was torn about that too Shawn. But my thoughts were that we used to have a "subscribe" button until the site revamp. I see a subscribers group as a way to replace the lost funtionality. I decided to create a subscribers group for myself, but I don't publicize or invite people to it. It's there to replace the lost "subscribe" function if there are any misguided souls who really want to know when I post something new. I can send one group message only to people who sign up to get it. I despise read requests and this is an unobtrusive way to update ONLY those who want to be updated. GOD! I hope I'm not pompous or pretentious.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Doesn't everyone think it's time for a SD Subscriber group?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Can I grow up to be Sweeney Todd? Please?