W R Stowe : Writing



A Poem by W R Stowe

Wrote this for a friend that had an uncle die
The seeing Heart

The seeing Heart

A Poem by W R Stowe

The heart is most often used for love,just as peace is symbolized by the dove, beauty can not be seen with physical eye,the heart iswhat l say, for w..
United We Stand

United We Stand

A Poem by W R Stowe

This seems as if its Satan's most effective weapon.Minor difference in opinions keep Christian brothers apart. The Bible says Jesus is the only way t..
Lion Of Judah

Lion Of Judah

A Poem by W R Stowe

Fierce and in the judgment seat to judge our life,for Christ Jesus is this awesome lion, persecution will befall our life,and in his name you had bet..
Provided Way's

Provided Way's

A Poem by W R Stowe

We all at some point in our life will come to the end of a pier,this is scarey, troublesome, and creates fear, we must get through this but what do w..
Upon The Bridge

Upon The Bridge

A Poem by W R Stowe

When we come upon the raging river of life,open your heart and you will loose your strife, Jesus is in the middle of the bridge,he's ready to carry y..
Go Forward

Go Forward

A Poem by W R Stowe

Are you more concerned where the sunshine has been,you do not have to because you can not go back again, rather be concerned of what lies before you,..


A Story by W R Stowe

Flip flop as many ideas are tossed,God forbid if you actually need money help. Why our church roof may need repaired,why not fend for yourself. Speak..
Gentle Yet Vengeful

Gentle Yet Vengeful

A Poem by W R Stowe

A special and different kind of lady
The Writing Front

The Writing Front

A Poem by W R Stowe

A different war zone and battle front