Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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W R Stowe : Writing

Don't give up

Don't give up

A Poem by W R Stowe

As our lives processRather failure orsuccessIf you fall and stumbleLike a ball carrier fumblesIf people put you downSmile please don't frownIf you pla..
Crown of thorns

Crown of thorns

A Poem by W R Stowe

A crown of thorns pushed upon His headNailed to a cross until He was deadTorn away flesh from His scorningFrom the whips welts scarringBurdened to car..
Song with meaning

Song with meaning

A Poem by W R Stowe

I remember as if it were yesterdayThe day I knelt down and criedThis song means so much to meThe day that Jesus set me freePastor Fuller gave an alter..
My love I can't take my eyes from you

My love I can't take my eyes from you

A Poem by W R Stowe

Gentlemen here is the secret of loveAllow your wife to join in prayer to God aboveAllow the blessings to flowEndless love should be your goalThe Lord ..
Sin's of the past

Sin's of the past

A Poem by W R Stowe

So many mistakes made in my pastQuestioning the first through the lastAsking God for forgivenessSociety's judgement is endlessPeople act as if they ne..
Waiting for you

Waiting for you

A Poem by W R Stowe

Darling please sing to me softlyWithout you I feel so lonelyHow I miss your loving embraceand gazing into your smiling faceI miss your soft gentle tou..
Biblical advise

Biblical advise

A Story by W R Stowe

7 Unbiblical Statements Christians BelieveSomething I found on my Facebook that a friend had shared and I never knew about some of these things fromht..
See God

See God

A Poem by W R Stowe

As the rain continues to fallFilling up buckets and troughsCold and greyfeeling dismayYet itscleansingSometimes refreshingHelps to bring forth cropsWi..
Happiness Is

Happiness Is

A Poem by W R Stowe

He is risen He is risen in deedChrist will fulfill my every needAs the sun brings usradiantheatSins curse Christ did defeatI have a smile for each per..