Write The Future

Write The Future


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I wanted to send a note out to everyone and get back in touch because we have a lot of exciting things going on this year. Write The Future has revamped its board of directors, updated its radio show content and will be hosting an event in October 2009 and we want you there! This is a great way to reunite and/or meet new writers.

The even will be hosted the month of October in Kansas City. A set date is to be determined. Fall in Kansas City is picturesque and there is a great writing scene built in already! We have grouped our efforts with Will Leathem of Prosperos Bookstore (www.prosperosbookstore.com) and will work with Shawn Pavey of the WritersPlace (www.writersplace.org) to put together networking opportunities, writing salons, radio air time, poetry publications, etc - there is a lot going on and we want you to be part of it! You are the future and since 2006 several writers have published their own work, won awards, enjoyed acclaimation, launched radio shows, independent organizations and the ball is still rolling - let's celebrate our accomplishments and relish in each other's company again!

The event will more than likely be the usual housing style at a low cost to the resident poets. The cost of transprotation, entertainment and food will be left at your discretion - however, I can garantee there will be plenty of both that can be sought for free.

So, start communicating and planning road trips, use those air miles, take an adventure on a train and come meet me in the middle this October.

It will almost be three years since Encino and New York, two since the Ozarks and 1 since a meeting in Indiana with Tina. It's a new year of HOPE and I certainly hope to see you this October - email me with any questions or comments. Also, if you have writing you would like to read in a twenty minute air segment and interview for the radio show - let's talk!

Also, be sure to tune in on Thursday nights 9:00 PM EST to the WritersCafe on WSN Radio. blog radio



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Posted 1 Year Ago

dang I cant believe this was 14 years ago lol

lol wasnt even a thing 14 years ago!

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Posted 9 Years Ago

I did not know Write the Future had a board of directors.
How exciting!!!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I will certainly be there. We are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overdue for this.

God willing, it'll be like old times, but simultaneously, a new beginning.

I can't wait.

Hawksmoor...From The Bleed.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Very excited. I plan on being there in October.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Blood on Parchment
A Story by Maxinne Marie
There is no greater agony than bearing an unwritten story inside you, no matter how tormenting that story may be.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

greetings fellow wtfers. just checking in....missing everyone terribly.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

good stuff t-day!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

The group photo in central park is very chummy and comfortable looking
...induces envy. lol.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

AW! thank you! you guys are just so beautifully supportive! would love to hear your lovely voices! :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Yesterday I met the son of a bookstore owner. His son is two, terribly. He was clacking on an old Remington typewriter. I told him I have the same one, with more keys and paper in it. I asked him if he was writing a story. He said yes.

A few minutes later, the two year old shirt yanked me and said "Here's a copy"

how f*****g awesome is that?