W. Barrett Munn : Writing

Old Bones

Old Bones

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** A throw rug broke my hip. One second upright; next, life as I know it is gone forever. Irretrievable. Old bones. ..
Polliwogs in the Ditch Behind the House

Polliwogs in the Ditch Behind the House

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** A black-dotted gooey gob floats in the water in the ditch behind the house, some frog's massive gift to the continuatio..
(A-71)  After Getting Gas at a Tonopah Truck Stop

(A-71) After Getting Gas at a Tonopah Truck Stop

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** If you drive far enough, if you get tired enough, if you haven't stopped to eat or drink or pee for hours you just..
Day Minus One

Day Minus One

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** No matter how I turn my cup, right side up or upside down, my initial always looks right. I’m blessed by b..
Dream State

Dream State

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** The scientific explanation for failure to remember dreams has to do with rapid eye movement and the stage of sleep when rou..
Dead Things in the Closet

Dead Things in the Closet

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** I found myself in a box I was on my knees ..
The Aquarium

The Aquarium

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** She feeds the fish at 7:00. School starts at 9:00 a.m. Gentle flakes from a box tap, tap, tapped onto the water'..
Pompeii by the Sea

Pompeii by the Sea

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** I was not at Pompeii when it rained rocks. I was there a few centuries later. I walked the streets Romans walked, Vesuvius ..
Getting Along When Older

Getting Along When Older

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** This is the first year I've tried to raise petunias from seeds. I bought the twenty-dollar kit with the grow lights an..
Hula Doll Behind Pink Peppercorns

Hula Doll Behind Pink Peppercorns

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** I don't know why, it was just time to go through the top shelf of the cabinets above the daily use spices and the second..