W. Barrett Munn : Writing

Shoes at Night in a Closet

Shoes at Night in a Closet

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** I salvaged two pairs of shoestrings from two pairs of sneakers, (the soles had begun to peel off). When I walked, it l..
(A-91) haiku

(A-91) haiku

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

American style


A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** She’s reached her 200th lifetime since that day the house burned. She’s now accustomed to the stares - spending un..
Heat Dome

Heat Dome

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** The wrinkled old man in histidy whitey undies and faded green t-shirt,stands on his porch holding a glass of tea,but I can tell ..
Mother's Day

Mother's Day

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** It's 1 a.m. when I burst through the hospital door into a horrid silence. Hallways vacant, no rattles of gurneys or squ..
Dog Walking

Dog Walking

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** It's quite the contraption, squeeze the handle the jaws open and swallow the dog's poo. There is an art to handling one..
Possible Fate of an Alien Lumberjack

Possible Fate of an Alien Lumberjack

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** Should I yell Tim-ber while this sunflower crashes down? Too large and too thick and too close to the metal pole ..


A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

***My world B flatsharp notes done runnedoff. Unripenedtomatoes,noses,and loversbetterleftunpicked.Do we carehow others judge us,our egos bare,tiedto ..
Inhumane Capture (pfp)

Inhumane Capture (pfp)

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** Caught and captured and held by one back leg. Still a living creature when I picked up the trap. The mouse squea..
It's Life Even in the Rough

It's Life Even in the Rough

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** Golf is almost a perfect metaphor for life; it's played in the right now; each shot counts whether good or bad; ..