W. Barrett Munn : Writing

Working and Taking Inventory

Working and Taking Inventory

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** What you do on an inventory crew is count cases then multiply. 7 x 24 units per case is 168, record it; not ..
(A-97)  Caney Creek Deep in Southwest Arkansas

(A-97) Caney Creek Deep in Southwest Arkansas

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** On the map it’s marked as Caney Creek in neat black letters. On the ground it’s white, not so neat, swampland ..
Sunflower Conundrum

Sunflower Conundrum

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** The sunflowers’ faces turn toward the sun as if the sun had beckoned. Having begun as food in a bird fe..
What the Hairs on My Fingers Tell Me

What the Hairs on My Fingers Tell Me

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** They’re dark, mostly, the hairs on the first knuckle of my fingers; some have grayed, some have become twisted and are..
Birth of a Bucking Bronc

Birth of a Bucking Bronc

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** They said their goodbyes, then he rode away on his Mustang. (Well, not actually on but in, as this was 1980, and he..
Self Rule

Self Rule

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** What would you have me do? I can’t fix it. I can’t mend it. I am in no way responsible for the outcome of ..
There is Wisdom in Napkins

There is Wisdom in Napkins

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** Another morning at the breakfast table and again I have a choice to make - use a cloth napkin or one from the pile of d..
Lessons Learned Beneath a Steeple

Lessons Learned Beneath a Steeple

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** Church was a place made of stained glass and bricks, long hard benches called pews, and hymnals hung from theirwooden hol..
Watching a Presidential News Conference and Thinking about Trains

Watching a Presidential News Conference and Thinki..

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** As the son of an engineer, I know the end of the line when I see it; that wasn't it. My father worked the line for years u..
Murderous Intent

Murderous Intent

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** I Its forearm-size body slithers out of the marsh and onto dry land, its heavy fanged head following its forked h..