W. Barrett Munn : Writing

The Damage Done

The Damage Done

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

Tip of the hat to Neil Young and his song, Needle and the Damage Done, and Ken e Bujold, a fan of Neil.


A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

The source of madness, perhaps.
Nickel a Bale

Nickel a Bale

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

Posting the original and the revision for comparison.
(590) Lisbon Looking Out

(590) Lisbon Looking Out

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

Lisbon, Portugal, at the castle, looking toward the sea.
News in a Brave New World

News in a Brave New World

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

Aldous was most likely right.
At the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

At the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

From the memory when my brother retired from the U.S. Army.


A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

Going through old notes this morning...
Western Swing

Western Swing

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

It's either a new poem or a Country-Western song and I'm not sure which. But it's based off fact so I'm leaning toward Country Western song.
Words, They are a-Changin'

Words, They are a-Changin'

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

Commentary on poetry today