W. Barrett Munn : Writing

Why Try?

Why Try?

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** I climbed a thousand steps to touch the sky but failed and all you did was smile. I tried. I brought you roses m..
Parturition and Lambs

Parturition and Lambs

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** Lamb stands the day it is born. It’s a sad story, inherited hate. The teachers, the preachers, those r..
Hoorays are for Heroes

Hoorays are for Heroes

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** I was about forty-five when I went searching for God. He wasn't where he belonged but held hostage in a church lashed ..
And So It Goes

And So It Goes

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** Like a crumpled McDonald’s hamburger wrapper held fast by cold-handed winds against the intersection..
Properly Anticipation

Properly Anticipation

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** The conifers shagged with ice with sagging white-burdened limbs, shiver in anticipation upon the sounds ..
Here is Where Now Should be Found

Here is Where Now Should be Found

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** I hope this full-length mirror isn't reflecting my entire life. I'd like a few more years to get my estate in order, ..
Good Neighbors

Good Neighbors

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** These stones perfectly arranged around the base of the big oak tree in her front yard are no longer perfectly ar..
(A-30)  Funeral Costs

(A-30) Funeral Costs

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** That isn't your dad in the casket, and it sure isn't my brother. Was that the point of the undertaker, try to make ..
An Oddity

An Oddity

A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** In this era of modern transportation, there’s something odd aboutseeing someone walkingalong the road, an uncertainty ..


A Poem by W. Barrett Munn

*** I've never risked the trip to Winnemucca, it's a big state and barren and you can die out there easily enough, all it take..