Vows Of Death

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Posted 16 Years Ago

All the stuff I wrote makes me blush.
We sound so classy.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

D: Ohmygosh. I miss you soo much!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thank you so much for saying so.
I can only say the same for you.
If only feelings were tangible, you'd be able to see how happy you make me feel.

Hm, well there's so much to know about me!
What would you like to know? Place a question, and I shall answer!
At the same time also give me your answer to your question. That way it can work both ways!

I want to write a poem about us too. Our friendship is unique : ) And we must


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Posted 16 Years Ago

My dear Miranda,
You under-estimate yourself sometimes.

I still can't forget how much we have in common. I honestly think you were
meant to be my sister. In fact, we were brethren as God made us, aren't we?

Yes, I also adore our poem. It's filled with raw-passion, heart-ache, desire, deep thoughts and it's all very real. And yes, you're making complete sense: "We all do, what we must do, to obtain the fame we crave."

I can't wait to read your next published poem. I have an inkling it's going to be fantastic, and that's what I like about your writing, and just you, it all comes from the heart. Gosh, you really make me blush in embarassment sometimes xD. I always hear the nicest things from you. I'd be completely honoured.

..To our lasting friendship,
Yours truly,


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Posted 16 Years Ago

You're right, it doesn't have to make sense.
Though, we may be the only ones who understand it and know what it's really about.

It's awesome though. How our many words have a whole history behind it. All the people involved, the people who may be reading it or may read it finding a relation to it somehow and in reality they were also part of his ploys.

I wonder now what he was feeling through it all, and how he is feeling.
Maybe he has found the one lucky lady out of the hundreds.
Maybe he's done it all unconsciously, striving for importance because of what has happened in his life..

Every single human has the desire of feeling, and being important.
But it's just how a person gets that feeling, and desire fulfilled.
There's some people who murder, steal, hurt to get their feeling of importance. Then there's some people who will donate hundreds, practice patience and kindness and that's how they get their feeling of importance.

There's just so much that goes through my mind when I read our poem. It's rather thought provoking for me. I'm very proud of us!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Aww, thank you so much!
>~>" Do you want to make "Online Ladies Man" a collab?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Oh, alright, Miranda. :]

I see you've already added on 3 poems, very quickly. How impressive.
I'm still a slight lazy butt so it's taking me some time to actually type them up.

I look forward to reading more of your works! I wish you would add on the first poem you read to me. I would like to read it, or hear it again x3.