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About Me

Just another harlequin, performing for the world, hoping that things get better. I write to vent and get my thoughts out of my head because the longer they stay there, the louder they get.


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Posted 4 Years Ago

Today I found out that the original day I wrote my last poem, December 18, one of my best friends committed suicide. I would like to put it out to the world again that you are not alone! If you are ever feeling so low or if you are ever experiencing a hard time and feel like you can't get out, find help! It's ok to be tired, it is ok to need help, you are valid and you are loved! If you are unsure where to start and you are reading this, I am here, I care about everyone unconditionally. Feel free to message me, scream your heart out and curse the heavens to me. You are never alone.