My 2006 attempt at a NaNoWriMo, unfinished due to emotional distress. Let's see if I can't get it finished now, hm? It's currently a rough edit, based..
In which a few things are explained, invitations are sent, and the discovery (already) begins.
In which strangers are met, lovers reunited, and horsies glomped.
Another brief look into the lives of Silinrul and Nihalsi. Sil really needs to learn when to just give it up for the night. Written for the prompt &qu..
A (shorter, and) more personal look at my other short story, "What It Feels Like." Also written for school, though slightly more recently. I..
A somewhat depressing (and rather longish) short story written for English class a couple years ago. It uses my fellow students as characters, with my..
Another glance into the earlier days of Silinrul's and Nihalsi's relationship. Written for the prompt "scars." An intimate situation, but I ..
A brief look into the lives of Silinrul and Nihalsi; written for the prompt "checkerboards," and what thoughts they evoke.
A brief (and painful) look into Silinrul's memories, set to Tool's "Prison Sex."
A short story written for class. One of my sweeter, less angst-ridden stories.