Japanese Cherry

Japanese Cherry


I heard from someone that I should start updating my profile with writing again, so I plan to do just that! I'm going to start updating!!

Mallepa, With Sho and Kei, Japan
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About Me


I'm just a shy (unless ur a close friend or family), but creative girl between the age of 15 and 21 that loves to read, write and draw... Nothing more... by the way, I love Japanese things a lot, so, most of the stuff on my page might be in or from Japanese things... same thing with most of my books.... lots of Japanese things..... hehe... I can't help it... I just love it too much ^.^

(love love LOVE Gackt and Hyde)

I have another profile on here where I write books with one of my other friends... check it out when you can... Go to my friends list and click on Zeke and Neko.... we will get started when we can!!!

And last but not least, if you are going to send me a friend request, I would ask you to please review at least one of my poems/books/stories... I'd accept much quicker if that was done.

Arigatō!!! Sayōnara!!!



Hideaki Takizawa... this song is from one of his dramas Orthros No Inu

You gotta love Gackt!

HYDE is so hot... <3


Devil May Cry!

Mmmmmm... Kim Hyun Joong.....

Everything You Want People to Know

Full NameJapanese Cherry
DOBAugust 19
Eye colorDark Brown (Appears To Be Black)
Hair colorBlack
Right or Left handedRight
Your WeaknessNot Saying
Your FearKeeping That To Myself
Your HeritageAsian
Most Overused PhraseKuso
First Thoughts Waking UpI Just Fell Asleep!!
Time You Wake UpToo Early
BedtimeWhat Bedtime?
Most Missed MemoryBeing A Kid Without A Worry In The World
Pepsi or cokePepsi
McDonalds or Burger KingBurger King
Lipton Ice Tea or NesteaLipton
Chocolate or VanillaMmm... Vanilla
Cappuccino or CoffeeCappuccino
Cat or Dog... I Can't Choose!! -_-"
Republican or Democrat...
Up or Downuh... Down?
Is the Glass Half Full or Half EmptyHalf Full
Blue or GreenBlue
Red or Black... But I Like Both...
White or PurpleEh... White
Rock, Country, or RapRock
Big or Small... Big?
Tall or ShortTall
Fat or SkinnySkinny?
Hairy or SmoothUm... Smooth...?
Poop or PeeWhat The Hell Kinda Question Is That?!
Night or DayNight
Drink AlcoholNo
Sing... When I'm Alone
Shower DailyWho Doesn't?
Want to Get MarriedSomeday
Want Kids... Thinking...
Think You Are AttractiveTo Tell You The Truth... Not Really
Get Along With Your ParentsOne Of Them
Like ThunderstormsDefinitely
Play An Instrument, if so what oneWish I Could
BandThe Gazette
SongOrenji No Taiyou By Gackt and HYDE
MovieMoon Child
FoodMmm... Anything Asian
CandyAnything Sour or Chocolate
Alcoholic Drink...
Non-Alcoholic DrinkMmm... Can't Live WIthout Water Right
Time or DayTime
HolidayAnything That Has Me Home With The Fam
GameDevil May Cry
Alcoholic Beverages you've Tried...
Movies You OwnI Dunno
Stolen Items in Your RoomI Said I Don't Steal
PetsUm... If This Counts Fish Then,,, Um... well...
Brothers and Sisters4 Blood and 3 Adopted
Emo cuttings on Your BodyNone
Drugs You've TakenNever
CDs You Ownmp3 Player, No Need For CDs
PiercingsOn The Ears
TattoosWant One
Drank AlcoholNope
Been on DrugsNever
Stolen AnythingNon
Been DumpedNope
Been Skinny DippingNah
Eaten SushiYup
Madeout with the SAME sex , oppisite sexNo
Broken the Law, Been ArrestedNo
Been Beaten upNo And Planning To Keep It That Way
Been to a Real Party.. non of that B-day s**tEh... no...
Been Molested, rapedNope And Hoping It Never Will Happen
Been Cheated onGladly No
Been EmoNo
a cheaterHah, Never, Not My Thing
a virginYeah
racistPfft, Heck No
a s**t/man w***eNot The Way I Go Through Life
pimp/pimpet... No
wigger/wigget... uh, what is this supposed to mean?
a drugyHell No
Somedays Wanting to Die.. how... Everyone Has Those Days
gay/lesbianNo... doesn't mean I don't approve
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[send message]

Posted 11 Years Ago

I just realized your avatar is Moon Child Chibis, oh my Goddess I'm slow!! 0_o

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Posted 11 Years Ago

meow? merow? buccaneer!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

haha, no, I don't even remember what I eat sometimes, or when I last went to the bathroom, or talked to someone, or what I've even said in a conversation even if I'd just said it in some cases.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

of course i did, too bad i also didn't remember about the school thing lol. ttywa

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Posted 11 Years Ago

hey, where you been? haven't seen you in a while.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

new poem on my page from like, three or so days ago, other than that i'm just trying to earn some money these days and not worrying much about writing for the moment. how about yourself?

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Posted 12 Years Ago

no problem.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

sounds like you're keeping yourself busy. that can be good, just try not to get overwhelmed eh?

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Posted 12 Years Ago

busy in my own way as usual, thinking about stuff, reading, trying to keep busy. how bout' yourself?

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Posted 12 Years Ago

we haven't talked much lately, how you been?