Compartment 114
Compartment 114
for the lulz

JeSSe : Writing

her wings

her wings

A Poem by JeSSe

black marks stain every feather every stain a memory yet i see her her and her wings does she fear or does she know that my eyes stay slave..


A Poem by JeSSe

i lay a top the cherry tree and smell the grape vines bloom yes much like the roses do oh how the smells reminds me of my sweet blue berry (you)snd ..
her garden

her garden

A Story by JeSSe

i love it so much
as i see you

as i see you

A Poem by JeSSe

i found you on the tops of a mnt top i found hope in the way that we always talked you made me forget the pain and the love i lost you stood strong li..
idk p.o.d

idk p.o.d

A Poem by JeSSe

i love feelin blaszed in the ways that no humen can unda stand the feel of flight like im so high im leavein humen land anotha puff and the P.O.D be..
un said

un said

A Poem by JeSSe

just feeling like she still lying
not there

not there

A Poem by JeSSe

on my pillow sits your sent rose peddles tuch of peppermint your voice lingers in the air like if jasmine was sprinkled every where sweet lips mark ..
made for fun or made for show

made for fun or made for show

A Poem by JeSSe

so im posting this on my date web sight just thought that you should no hell maaybe you even know her so wish me luck here it gos poetic and artistic ..
our sorrow

our sorrow

A Poem by JeSSe

a poem for an old friend who shared a lose with me that changed both our lifes i miss her very much but we cant see one another with out seeing our ba..
black hole

black hole

A Poem by JeSSe

i keep looking at that black hole ask it just how far itcould go should i risk the jump and hit the ground with nothing lost in self questioning..

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