for the lulz



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Tucson, AZ
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her wings her wings

A Poem by JeSSe

cheery cheery

A Poem by JeSSe

her garden her garden

A Story by JeSSe

as i see you as i see you

A Poem by JeSSe

idk p.o.d idk p.o.d

A Poem by JeSSe

un said un said

A Poem by JeSSe

not there not there

A Poem by JeSSe

our sorrow our sorrow

A Poem by JeSSe

black hole black hole

A Poem by JeSSe

About Me

It's been 10 years since I've been on here! it feels good to be back.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Allow me to be the first to welcome you aboard on the journey of Writers Cafe'. This is a wonderful place to obtain opinions and grow in your writing - as long as you stay clear of the drama that dwells inside electronic lives.

I noticed you have a limited friends list, if I may offer you a bit of advice... In order to get profitable opinions and diverse feedback you may need to add alot of friends to your list.

The system of this place (most people do not even realize) is so: Your new writing is placed on the new writing list and gets pushed down the list with every new write published here. Soon, your writing is so far down the list, it becomes unnoticed and people do not click very often on those.

If, however, you have many "friends" you will have people coming to check your new works out and notice your writing... perhaps click on them and read - if it tickles their fancy, they will review. So, the way to add friends is to go about reading peoples work, reviewing them and then adding them to friends if they are interesting to you.

As with any social circle (human circles NOT omitted), there tends to be rumors, affairs, rumors about affairs, stalking, intimidation, distasteful criticism and many other things that is inappropriate.

So long as you can stick to the projected goal of becoming a writer not a victim of amateur predators you will get the best out of the site.

Enjoy your time here, and feel free to message me anytime.

Great to make your acquaintance,
