Ivy Navillus : Writing

Chapter One: Tomorrow

Chapter One: Tomorrow

A Chapter by Ivy Navillus

Lionel, I can feel you starving. Take a break and eat something, it’s driving me nuts.Shh, don’t you dare try to stop me now. I’m on..
Chapter Two: Not The First

Chapter Two: Not The First

A Chapter by Ivy Navillus

Lionel, you don’t believe them, do you?What do you mean? Believe what?That I’m not real. You don’t... You don’t think I’..
Chapter Three: Lies

Chapter Three: Lies

A Chapter by Ivy Navillus

I don’t believe I have a problem.I think this is simply an extraordinary situation, never to happen before. I understand how it could be misinte..
Chapter Four: Too Close

Chapter Four: Too Close

A Chapter by Ivy Navillus

My first session of therapy was dull, just a review of my documents to ensure that they were correct. And a little bit of getting to know each other.H..
Chapter Five: "Living With A Workaholic"

Chapter Five: "Living With A Workaholic"

A Chapter by Ivy Navillus

Before the wreck, my mother really was a clean and collected person. Her blond curls twirled down her back and fell around her face in perfect locks ..
Chapter Six: Controversies Of The Home

Chapter Six: Controversies Of The Home

A Chapter by Ivy Navillus

“She was bipolar, I don’t know what else to tell you.” “How old were you when she was arrested?” “I don’t k..
Chapter Seven: Thankful

Chapter Seven: Thankful

A Chapter by Ivy Navillus

This middle sex is such a frustrating way of life. Caught between each gender--not really part of either, trapped in this gray fog of the middle zone...
Chapter Eight: Sensitive

Chapter Eight: Sensitive

A Chapter by Ivy Navillus

“Lionel!!” Lochlan stood up as I entered. S**t. He bounds up to me with feverish enthusiasm. “Howya?” He grins and slaps me ..
Chapter Nine: Education

Chapter Nine: Education

A Chapter by Ivy Navillus

The only other time I really experienced Lenore causing such a ruckus inside was when I was in school. School used to be really difficult for me. Whe..
Chapter Ten: Blank Slate

Chapter Ten: Blank Slate

A Chapter by Ivy Navillus

I sit quietly on the metal folding chair in the corner of the waiting room- trying my hardest to seem comfortably removed, and not hopelessly wanting ..

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