Observations from a Starbucks stint
An attempt at justification
Inspired by an essay I read years ago -- an essay with lots of photos.
Inspired by a dream, if memory serves, years ago . . .
Seemed to divide people when posted at another site a few months ago. To me, that's a good sign. ;)
Inspired by a friend's story, told about her dad's bizarre get-up. In my head he became part of a family of oddballs. From there, it wrote itself.
Written in the fall, re-posted here because I'm just thrilled to have recovered it from the deletion-mad excesses of a psychotic. :)
Written immediately afterwards, while sitting across the table from the love of my life, sipping coffee.
Reflections on self and others, others and self.
Experiment with structure, limited by rhyme. Twas fun -- hope ya'll enjoy it!