Danielle Asher : Writing

this verse

this verse

A Poem by Danielle Asher

I don't write for you despite the closeness though we touch occasionally a kiss words uninspired don't put ink on the page neverthelss, evoke a s..
like this river

like this river

A Poem by Danielle Asher

3 hour train ride with a ghost the Hudson to my right my left hand free to hold yours the only hand Icould imagine holding mine time passes cre..


A Story by Danielle Asher

Flor grabbed his face as they began to kiss again. She was amazed at how easy it was to fall into old habits. He was the most..
the Story of My Life Part 1

the Story of My Life Part 1

A Poem by Danielle Asher

The story of my life Sometimes I feel like I don’t have one to tell But there are so many good parts to the story When I thin..


A Poem by Danielle Asher

Idreamt that you wrote for me you presented forgivness begged how much i wanted to bask in that light start again like spring stand in the rain a..
always takes me by surprise

always takes me by surprise

A Poem by Danielle Asher

not sure how poetic this is, but it is honest- cheesy but honest.
present still (she knows)

present still (she knows)

A Poem by Danielle Asher

12 months 8 years a lifetime of questions of words of hurt of love She wonders why? She wonders what? left it all behind as it lingers as i..


A Story by Danielle Asher



A Story by Danielle Asher

this very well may be a work in progress
the thirtysomething Katie

the thirtysomething Katie

A Story by Danielle Asher

another installment in my thirtysomething series