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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I'm a 28 year old, married mother of two crazy sons. I like music, word architecture, parties, and basically enjoying an active liftestyle. I have a good time and that's pretty rockin'. :)

My writing takes the form of many styles. Because I am easily bored, I mix things up- often incorporating several styles of poetry into one piece. I do, however, tend to focus on word palindromes more than anything else.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

'Allegro Con Brio" is officially back on my page here. After I read your 7 month old email, I realized that it HAD to be the 2nd poem I resubmit here. Lol. So there you go! :) I still want to re-read your response to it. You should post it on here again sometime. We can be all nostalgic about it! Re-posting our sister poems from 2 years ago... Well, in this case, more than brotherly love poems. Lol... TTYL

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Are you still around? It's been 2 years... I know... LOL... Yes, you can have a copy of "Allegro Con Brio"- in reply to your last email (7 months ago). I would like to read the companion you wrote again! It's been sooo long. LOL. I published a book of poems this month, that's why I'm back I guess. 'Allego Con Brio" is in it, of course. There's a link on my page. I'll still sent you a copy of that poem if you want it...

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Posted 16 Years Ago
