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Viamari_love's_you : Writing

I'm nothing

I'm nothing

A Poem by Viamari_love's_you

Love what?It's worthless.I'm not worth s**t.I'm just it.S**t.No gentleman takes me.No one can set me free.I'm me not free can't you see.It's okay.From..
High school

High school

A Poem by Viamari_love's_you

Walking Halls.Hiding in stalls.This is High school.And you're still with her.Purrr! I feel like a cat.When I'm around you I'm just that.But i don't wa..


A Poem by Viamari_love's_you

He changed and i don't like it. Like when you change your writing to make new profit. I changed and it's nothing. I should go to hell but i fly to ..
you and me

you and me

A Poem by Viamari_love's_you

My mind is power. yours blooms like a flower and wow.when i move it's like a moving tower.when you you move it's like how?You're nice character can ne..


A Poem by Viamari_love's_you

the tears that rolled down my face when i first seen it. The pain and the sensation I got the sin of damage of God beautiful creation. i started too e..