Welcome to my page!
I'm not sure exactly what you expect when you come across my profile. I can't be too sure as to how you came across my profile either. Maybe I sent you a friend request, maybe you're a friend of mine that searched me up or maybe my avatar or user name caught your eye and led you to click my profile. Either way, I'm glad you're here!
I'm not very good at writing biographies. I prefer reading people's biographies as opposed to writing my own. I haven't yet crawled out of my shell and learned to live freely. Hopefully, I will one day!
My name is Leila; and I'm currently 16 years old. I'm a little upset over that fact because I feel like I'm growing older much too fast! I'm somebody who loves meeting people. If I had things my way, everyone in the world would be my best friend! :] There are so many amazing things in each person, and I wish it was possible to get an opportunity to know them all.
As a writer, I'm not at all pro. I only write when the mood kicks in, and watching other people write has made me make an account on here and put a few writings.