This is the first in a series of four fantasy novels. All four books have been completed, and my wife and I made the decision to give this first one ..
Book I
Darkness Falls
Liam F. Okinso
Inquisition Chambers - Sutheron
Year 178, AC
Echoing through the cold stone corr..
Arnos, Goderic, and Kara Whilton
"Come on you great lug! Let us show Kara our day's good fortune!" Arnos said laughing as he motioned t..
Sudden Death
“Your Eminence?” Arnos said quietly, his voice echoing through the darkened rooms of the interrogation chamber.
No repl..
Ruination of the Whiltons
Apartments of Liam Okinso
Liam looked down at the letter with some pride and satisfaction.
The time he had spent le..
First Night
The Abbey of The Widow, Widow's Way
Year 204, AC
(twenty-six years later)
Lightning forked across the midnight sky, and the rumb..
The Agents of the King
ValenKeep, Wyndamere
Rumor, it seemed, traveled faster than the riders from the King's picturesque Castle, some five le..