Mikael Malmberg : Writing

Life is Play

Life is Play

A Book by Mikael Malmberg

Dividing it up into chapters so I can get them attention. :D
Sliver of the Prize

Sliver of the Prize

A Story by Mikael Malmberg

A smell of grease accompanied the sounds of eating and merrymaking out onto the streets of Helsinki, fresh and furious from one of its 13 McDona..
Song Storywriting...

Song Storywriting...

A Story by Mikael Malmberg

stories from some of my songs.
Sun, that Wretch

Sun, that Wretch

A Poem by Mikael Malmberg

A radiant sun overhead,singing glory and praise. Bathing in warmth, spreading light;rays like greedy fingers fumbling for your eyes.You are blinded, l..
A man and his mirror

A man and his mirror

A Story by Mikael Malmberg

A project I came up with to relieve me of the writer's block. Also serves to practise my horror-creating skill.
Autumn's City

Autumn's City

A Book by Mikael Malmberg

The title isn't very imaginative. Sorry. :x
Repentance and Defiance

Repentance and Defiance

A Story by Mikael Malmberg

It's a journal, I guess. I'm recording these feelings now, so that they will never be forgotten. This is another silly work of mine.


A Story by Mikael Malmberg

Swirls of eternity, an endless spiral of the natural cycle, a marvel to behold. Alright, yeah, this is silly, but what the heck. Let's read it.


A Story by Mikael Malmberg



A Chapter by Mikael Malmberg

The Jackson Manor Orphanage prepares for the storm.