Maybe a game of poker,
A show or a dance.
She’s there every night
With eyes full of romance.
A dreamer, she stays ther..
The guilt of imperfection. God, how I wish I were stronger. It's unbelievable how many times I catch myself thinking these words, so loudly in my head..
A testament to the feelings I've been considering lately, pulled into a story line I'd like to say isn't my own.
That rage, a maddening hum that doesn't ever really stop, hangs in the air. Like white noise in the static radio, it continues, not stopping for anyon..
The forest enfolds me.
It is full of green pigment. Right above me, where the sun peeks through the
fresh leaves, there is a shimmering chartreu..
Three letters, three words, too much meaning. But it makes so much sense out of...e v e r y t h i n g. Why I over-think everything. Why my mother's de..
How do I put it in words? How do I say how I feel?
The guilt
is there, definitely. I’m starting to feel numb about it all, remarkably. ..
Just a Net copy of things I write journal-wise.