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About Me

I'm a professional Content Marketer and run a number of websites and groups.

If you're interested in learning more about world building then you should visit The World Building School. It's a website dedicated to helping authors build their own fictional worlds.

The Authors Guide To Drawing Maps is the most popular guide on The World Building School.

Along the world building path if you're looking for inspiration then I also run the popular DeviantART group The World Builders Guild - at the time of writing we have over 620 followers.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Oh man, so... I've decided to write a completely boring novel so that I can get published. It's so weird because all of the agencies say that they was something new... Yet, they never take on new ideas. It's so stupid. A huge eyeroll was meant to accompany that last statement.

I started a new story the other day. I may put it on here, but I'm not sure. I have another one that I have no plans on ever publishing. It's a short story that I'm writing for a friend. I think when I get it finished, I will put it on here. But that's all I have for now.

Do you ever just go through a phase when you can't think of any new ideas whatsoever? That's the slump I'm in right now. I'm scared that I'll always be in it.

Have a beautiful day and talk to you soon!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I wouldn't say that I'm back just yet... I mean, I have to start writing again to be back. And I haven't written anything but what I was working on the last time I was on here. haha. I finished the umteenth draft of it the other night. Here's the hard part.... Having enough confidence to query an agent. I'd rather eat minced garlic by the spoonful. Well, I'm sure I will talk to you soon. Tell me if you want me to read anything. toodles


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Posted 17 Years Ago

OMG! it's been sooo long since i've been on here. I don't even know my way around the site anymore. It's changed so much. Well, my writing is coming slow and when it does, it's not that lovely lol. I'm sticking with it tho.

How are you doing?!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I'm going to study English. I'm only a sophomore and am already at a Graduate level in English... so I won't be taken ANY english classes! How jipped is that? lol. But I get to do a horsemanship class where I get to ride a horse for 4hrs every thursday. That is the only thing that I am looking forward to. I'm also going to start taking some online classes too, so taht I can graduate early. If I play my cards right, I'll graduate before I turn 21. That would make me entirely too happy, I think . Lol. I may study abroad next year if I have all my credits where I want them. it's between Czech, England, and Australia for where I want to go. I'm not sure yet. ALl would be amazing! well talk to you soon! Have fun not going back to school FOREVER! You lucky little.... lol. bye!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Lol. Thanks a lot. It's really going to help.
Things are going pretty well with me, working some and then school starts in a week or so, that should be fun. What about you?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I'd say it's been a LONG time. lol. yeah, I'm still around, but I don't do anything on this site anymore. College starts up again soon. In about 2 weeks I guess. I'm not looking forward to it. But I guess it is something I have to do lol. How's everything going for you?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Dude! How did you do that map? What software did you use? Because I've been trying to make my world using the effing paint thing. Help!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

well that's what happened. My eyes went haywire! I looked like I was glaring at people all the time lol. And I was wearing my sunglasses inside and at night to hide them from people including my mom. Now, I'm on medicine for it and everything but I'm coughing a lot. It sucks lol. So I feel for you... and myself.

I'll let you know if I have any ideas, but that's doubtful lol. It's pretty awesome you're making a video game. Pretty soon you'll be rich and I'll be playing your game to cope with writers block. Have a good day! ttyl

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Posted 17 Years Ago

tx for the comment bt whos chuck?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Well, I'm back today. lol. Turns out, I do have hay fever. I think that you jinxed me!!! YOU! I should pummel you! no I'm just kidding. But my eyes are the size of softballs because I had this HUGE allergic reaction this morning and the swelling will not go down. It sucks. But yeah, how are you doing? Anything exciting going on?