I'm an expatriate Texan making my home in SoCal for the last two decades. Nothing too strange there. Texas was a good place to grow up.
Here's where it gets weird (unless you're a writer). I have TWO men in my life. There's the breathing one I married, the retired stagehand who is every struggling writer's dream -- supportive, inspirational (some of it not so flattering), and almost infinitely patient. Then, there's the non-breather who "moved in" with us several years ago... the one who's come to be known as Gilroy.
For now, my paycheck comes from TV news, but writing & researching the vampire book is my No. 1 passion. Predictably, the (so far) unpaid writing is often forced to take a back seat to paid work, ranch chores & animal emergencies. Since I rarely sleep, I thank God for ADHD.