Vali Tsironi : Writing

"Gorgonio: Ellada" by Vali Tsironi, BARNES & NOBLE

"Gorgonio: Ellada" by Vali Tsironi, BARNES & NOBLE

A Book by Vali Tsironi

A great poetry book speaks about the Greece and the Greek myth and history throughout a personal history of life. A magnificent inspiration!
A line of clocks...

A line of clocks...

A Poem by Vali Tsironi

Planes of languagesgraphite in the soultongue of a poemplain into the smell of the woodenness waresStopping pieces in a glassice-cubes turnings the sn..
The glossary  of unspoken...

The glossary of unspoken...

A Poem by Vali Tsironi

Fire in the white clotheof a couplingdresses the nailsthat simulates the morningbeds of baking the lonelinessthe skyclouds of lengthgrowing the glossa..
Vocabularies of the life...

Vocabularies of the life...

A Poem by Vali Tsironi

Future noise of the poetrysleeping window in the mindbuy a paper up to highnear the spoken laughing of the cry...And the mirrors of the sentencesdry h..