"Fly Away"Fly away to a haven, far away and above,Where love is more, than just a mere word.A place that lies...hazy on the mind,But offers hope, an..
"Night Shadows"Shadows appear...causing all light to disappear.Slowly leaving all, deep in shades of black and grey.For love was the onlyapparentlig..
Mother NatureSurely God meant to leave more than this,Not world disasters, we'd all wish to miss.Guess Mother Nature has gotten older,She seems senil..
"Standing and Knocking"Deep reflections in the eyes, showing the brightness,And the beauty of his glorious face;Yet reflecting all of the dark places..
WinterSlick roads, sheets of ice,Nothing out there to entice, Me to step outside. Valentine
News Flash Watched the inauguration of our45th. president. Saw him get signed in. All the while I waswaiting for, someone to say... APRIL FOOL......
"Night Demons"Yesterday's pain...bitter, yet sweet,Thoughts buried, where hurt oft retreats.Long ago demons, alive and uncoiled...Dreams of tomorrow, ..
Recalling YesterdayWhen brown leaves,fall upon the ground,A crispy rug...from heaven sent down;And... sunlight shortens, all of the days,Winter appro..
Just WordsWhen you love someone enough,To give them a major part of yourself;Ache when they are hurting; cry at their sadness.Do not despair, you are..
PrayPlease say a little prayer tonight,For all of the world and all in plight.Pray for God to call everyone home,Leave Hell empty and Satan living al..