Rana Adalwolfa Simon : Writing



A Story by Rana Adalwolfa Simon

Something random I wrote a while back. I think it was supposed to be the first chapter of a book I was going to just let write itself. Just never let ..
sand 2

sand 2

A Poem by Rana Adalwolfa Simon

Part 2 of my zen garden haiku series. This is all I have for now.
sand 1

sand 1

A Poem by Rana Adalwolfa Simon

Part of a series inspired by a zen garden.
Our Journey

Our Journey

A Poem by Rana Adalwolfa Simon

A reflective piece while staring at one of the decorative photos from our reception.


A Poem by Rana Adalwolfa Simon

An acrostic poem illustrating my latest days at work. I'm waiting for that final job offer. I'm waiting... so... patiently...


A Poem by Rana Adalwolfa Simon

A writer's block piece I did a while back.


A Poem by Rana Adalwolfa Simon

This is a message poem I wrote a while back. Something to know about me for context here is that I'm agnostic, coming from an RCC background.


A Poem by Rana Adalwolfa Simon

No title yet. This is one of my slam poems, which I'm still working on, on and off at least.


A Poem by Rana Adalwolfa Simon

rant poetry woo hoo


A Poem by Rana Adalwolfa Simon

I don't think I'm finished this one, but I like it so far. My husband got on a bagpipes and pan flute kick lately, and I'm loving it. :)