Spiderslayer of fliesspinner of websmother of thousandsdevourer of loversonce a queen in the rose bushnow curled up and buried deepmade still by a was..
what is it like to die?said the spider to the flyand the fly for his partgave a lovely little startand responded with something like this:oh cruel lad..
I awaken with the crowsand the blackbirds sing to me as i arisethey call to mebeckon me into the streets and shopsand sidewalks of the damnedwho have ..
to go to workto slave awayto count down the minutesthe hoursthe daysto mangle my handsto burnand to sweatto distract myselfand try to forgetto run fro..
soakedsoppingcoldand wetwaiting for a busto take me to a placei do not want to gosoakedsoppingcoldand wetmy clothes are heavywith a dripping weightand..
one foot in the fireone foot in the graveone foot in freedomon foot enslavedone foot in sanityone foot insaneone foot that can beone foot that becameo..
pass thru this lifepay it no mindChange is the only thingthat is truly changelessand so four quartersstill make a dollar.do you remember the thingsyou..