Tattered as a worn out quilt,Washed away upon this abandoned filthy shore,Shoes full of sand,Dragging heavier along the path,When everything becomes a..
Forgotten with just one blink,Is that all i really am?A shadow in desquise,Left alone for all,Left with a pebble of hope,And a flightless bird,Just as..
Rise of 10,
Every forenoon,
Dodging around the ones that love the,
Pondering them with worries,
Tragedy within ones eyes,
Masked around as if eve..
Fucked over emotions...
Cause I'm a normal human.
Worried time after time,What is to come?Is this your cover?To hide the true life you hold,Beaten to the core of civilization,Lifeless in your own craw..
High on pain..
Those blue eyes stabbed my heart..
Black tears falling,
Heart sinking,
Body trembling,
Is this what I’ve become?
Knowing you have another,
A kiss from your lips,
Am I stuck again.?