Getting away from my problemsIm barking up the wrong treeif silence is goldenthen what's it worth working silentlythink money can buy me a new lifewel..
Red where I live and whereI sleepall I have in my head. close my eyes thats all I seein the light of day. blue. sadnessof memories, one mistakeand wha..
It doesn't have to seem like its going to happen one moment looking away one moment back where I should be a great run on sentence or a meaning too si..
waiting fora day of excitement,like a dog waiting for its masterin the summer heat tied to a leash, plenty of space to run and yet, out of reachlosing..
Once I wasable to sing asound thatclears it allmy disbelieffrom faintingand after all I didn't faintThat fall and seasons hadthere meaningall there wa..
to know thatlifecan betimes of coming and goinglearningto wake upandeasy to roll out of bedUnfortunate if still flowers to get lost in pedals don'ttur..
Wanteda worthwhile scenery seamlesslybuthad the symbolism of a badmetaphoretoo literally to be the subject of anothers gazeI changed, able to let gowh..
For those who came and failedDon't lose hope but of course for manyartistic people losing hope iswhere it starts.summing up creative input and outputi..
my conditionclearsighted and restfullike to havecontrolthanks to findBetter use of the internetI'll take it fromwaiting to putpeices togetherin peacet..